In today’s modernized and always changing field of dentistry, the one aspect that is always constant and of the greatest importance is preventive dentistry. Every dentist you visit will stress the importance of identifying oral health problems, and restoring and maintaining your oral health. This includes changing your oral home care routines, improving your diet, and regularly visiting the dentist. Once you master these steps, and train yourself to be aware of small changes in your gums and teeth, the better chance you have at eliminating the appearance of cavities and gum disease, and keeping your smile healthy and bright for the years to come.

One of the first steps you can take to bettering your oral health is by improving how you clean and maintain your teeth at home. Going to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning is vital, but it is not all that needs to be done as far as keeping a healthy mouth. Brushing, flossing and using fluoride rinses are vital for avoiding cavities and oral diseases. Brushing works to clean and polish the surfaces of the tooth, but is less effective for cleaning below the gum line, or those tight spaces between teeth. By flossing, you are able to go below the gum line, and remove any plaque buildup or food particles that have been left behind from brushing. Flossing is only effective if you make it a regular part of your routine. Fluoride rinses are one of the many advances that have hit the market today, making it easier to seek an antiseptic solution to mouth, and complete the circle of home care routine, making sure you are covering all areas.

Not many people realize, but your diet plays a big part in the upkeep of your teeth. The foods you eat contribute to the wear and tear that your teeth and gums sustain. Your dentist will instruct you on the proper foods to eat to strengthen teeth, and the treats, juices and foods to avoid because of acid wear. Acid wear is a tooth’s worst enemy. Sometimes it is hard to avoid eating acidic foods, but the best way to lessen the harm done, is to brush your teeth right after. If you are not near a toothbrush and toothpaste, give your mouth a good rinse out to remove the remaining acidic particles, and eliminate the chance of quick plaque build-up.

Going to the dentist is important for maintaining oral health. It is recommended to get a professional cleaning every 6 months, but depending on the state of your health, you may be advised to come more often. With every dental check-up, you receive diagnostic x-rays, to rule out anomalies or any bone loss, and you also undergo oral cancer screening. Cancer screening is important, because most cases of cancer are not visible to the untrained or naked eye. By visiting the dentist regularly, you are ruling out the chances of extensive tooth decay, oral diseases and the chance of overlooking a case of oral cancer.

Cavities and oral issues are a part of life, but you can lessen the severity and appearances of said problems by educating yourself, and taking initiative when it comes to your oral health. If you have a bad mouth to begin with, by improving these habits and becoming aware, you can repair and maintain your teeth before the problems become too severe. Prevention is an important part of your overall health, and is one of the best ways to keep your overall and oral health shining bright.